Services & Programs

Proactive Families Advocacy Inc offers select services at low to no cost

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Peer Assistance with College Admission/Transfer

Proactive Families Advocacy Inc  offers services in Peer Assistance with College Admissions and Transferring.

The provided service may have a fee that varies per individual. Please refer to the Fee List below.

You can feel confident, even at your lowest and highest moments in life, knowing that our members have experience in college admission and transferring. 

Whether you're interested in, or already, attending college having a helping hand along the way can go a long way!

Don't wait any longer and book an appointment here!

~Fee List~

Fees vary by colleges/universities and their affiliations:


*There may be other fees associated with the college/university not mentioned here. However, these fees may not apply to you at all!*

CORI Sealing

Proactive Families Advocacy Inc  is offering services in CORI Sealing. 

It is a FREE service provided by Proactive Families Advocacy Inc.

Although the provided service by Proactive Families Advocacy Inc is free, there may be a Local fee of $25 to access your CORI. 

IF you are an indigent individual Proactive Families Advocacy Inc can assist in getting this fee WAIVERED!!


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What Does CORI Stand For and What Is It?

CORI stands for Criminal Offender Record Information. 

It is a record listing of any and all crimes you have been charged with in a Massachusetts Court of Law. Additionally, whether the crimes have been dismissed or found Not Guilty, the criminal charges will still appear on a CORI.

Who Has Access To My CORI?

Any person you give authorization to can gain access to your CORI. In most instances CORI check's are conducted by the Dept. of Children and Families, Law Enforcement, Court Officials, Consumer Reporting Agencies, and when applying for employment, housing, volunteering, and college. 

*It is IMPORTANT to know what is on your CORI and we strongly encourage to confirm your CORI stands corrected.*

Who Has Access To My CORI After It Is Sealed?

The law grants only a few employers and state agencies for obtaining access to sealed CORI records, these include:

Do not let your CORI be a barrier when Proactive Families Advocacy Inc. can guide you in sealing your CORI.



Schedule HERE

Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care

Proactive Families Advocacy Inc offers services in Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC).

It is a FREE service provided by Proactive Families Advocacy Inc.

What is a Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC)? What is it intended for?

A Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) is a document intending on how to ensure the safety and well being of infants & children affected by substance use and their families. The POSC covers before AND after birthing a child.

A Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) covers:

Who Creates the Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC)? Who has access to it?

A Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) can be created by any individual; it is strongly recommended for the individual assisting in creating the POSC to have a relationship with the client lasting longer than 30 days. One Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) can be created and accessed among providers and any other person or agency(including the Dept. of Children and Families), by the client. Service providers can access your Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) only when it is provided to them by the client or the client has signed a release of information to share the document through another provider. 

A Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) can be created, maintained, and coordinated by:

 What is Proactive Families Advocacy Inc goal for assisting in creating a Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC)?

It is Proactive Families Advocacy Inc's goal to reduce the amount of screened in 51A's reported to the Dept. of Children and Families by assisting families with preventative services. However, we CANNOT guarantee when DCF receives a filed 51A report that it will automatically get screened-out or unsupported; although, creating and obtaining a Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) should decrease the chances of a report being screened-in.

In addition to the area of coverage by a Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC), Proactive Families Advocacy Inc offers another type of Plan of Safe Care covering Domestic Violence. For more information on this Plan of Safe Care click here to book an appointment.

Even if you DO NOT have any substance abuse you can, and should, create a Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) as an emergency document (similar to a Will), especially when you have children! This document can be used for Mental Health without substance abuse. It is a Preventative Action Plan that is used by agencies, such as DCF and Early Intervention, that is recognizable as a legal document and should be taken seriously. Also, there are different names and templates that this document can be created as, for example, DCF Action Plan or Service Plan. Although, this Family Plan of Safe Care/Plan of Safe Care (POSC) is completely voluntary and if you later decide to not use one or update it you will not be reprimanded for doing as such. 

Schedule an appointment with Proactive Families Advocacy Inc and let us give you a hand up!

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Court Supporter/Advocate

Proactive Families Advocacy Inc offers services in support and advocacy to those facing the Court of Law

It is a FREE service provided by Proactive Families Advocacy Inc.

What is a Court Supporter/Advocate? What is it intended for?

A court supporter/advocate is a support system created by volunteers from the community who attend court hearings. 

Court supporter/advocate is tended for you to have a network of people that can provide you with practical or emotional support. The court support systems will help you to reduce stress and anxiety. 

What does a Court Supporter/Advocate do?

Court supporters/Advocates observe and provide feedback based on

 What is Proactive Families Advocacy Inc's goal for creating a Court Supporter/Advocate?

It is Proactive Families Advocacy Inc's goal to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that overall affects the health and well-being of not only individuals facing court proceedings but on a micro, mezzo, and macro level. 

Schedule an appointment with Proactive Families Advocacy Inc and let us give you a hand-up!

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